● Article submitted to The Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies Araştırmaları Dergisi should be drafted in Microsoft Word, leaving at least 2.5 cm margins, and the entire text should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 pt. and 1.5 line spacing.

● Articles should be between 5000-8000 words.

● Footnotes, Turkish and English abstract, English extended summary, bibliography, tables, etc. must be completed before the manuscript is submitted.

● Articles should include the authors’ titles and institutional affiliations with ORCID numbers and e-mail addresses in a footnote with the symbol (*).

● Articles should be drafted according to the Centre for Islamic Studies (İSAM)’s style of orthography and bibliography.
The citation guideline for articles in Turkish
The citation guideline for articles in English

● Articles should include an abstract of 150-200 words in Turkish at the beginning and a 750-900-word English extended summary at the end.

It is preferred that the author submits the abstract in English. The English equivalents of the scholarly terms used in the abstract should be specified by the author, and complete transliteration should be applied to the names of persons and books. Transliteration is based on the IJMES Transliteration Chart . The abstract should be simple and comprehensible, free from ambiguous expressions.