
Abbâsîler'de Üstâdârlık Müessesesinin Ortaya Çıkışı

"Tasavvufun ""Tutarlılık"" Arayışında Bir Yorum Çerçevesi Olarak Vahdet-i Vücûd Anlayışının Yansıması Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme"

Âtıf Mustafa Efendi ve Sıvış Yılları Sorununun Halline Dair Telhisi

L'introduction et l'appropriation du positivisme dans l'Empire Ottoman

The Transition from the Particularistic Black Nationalist Stance to a Universalistic - Mainstream Religion: The Role of Relations and Interactions between the Nation of Islam, Muslim Organisations in the USA, and Muslim Countries (1950-1990)


Hophopnâme (Seçmeler), (çev. İsa Öztürk)

Educational Strategis among Muslim in the Context of Globalization

Jidah in Islamic History: Doctrine and Practices

Thierry Zarcone, Les derviches tourneurs: doctrine, histoire et pratiques

Ibn Abî al- Dunyâ Morality in the Guise of Dreams: ACritical Edition of Kitâb al-Manâm

Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2

Muslim in Modern Turkey: Kemalism, Modernism and the Revolt of the Islamic intellectuals


Is Scientific Knowledge Rational?

Bertand Russell'da Ahlâk Felsefesi

The Cathars The Most Successful Heresy of the Middle Ages

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