Rivayet, Anlam ve Yorum: Mantar Hadisinin Serencamı / The Story of a Prophetic Ḥadīth on Mushrooms: Transmission and Commentary
Bir Devvânî Muhalifi: Ebû İshak en-Neyrîzî ve Risâle fî tahkīki hakīkati’l-ilm Adlı Eseri / An Opponent of al-Dawwānī: Abū Isḥāq al-Nayrīzī and His Risāla fī taḥqīq ḥaqīqat al-‘ilm
Osmanlı’da Afyon, Kahve ve Tütün Hakkında Bir Usul Tartışması: Câbîzâde Halil Fâiz Efendi ve el-Kelimâtü’l-Usûliyye’si / A Methodological Debate on Opium, Coffee, and Tobacco During the Ottoman Period: Cabizade Halil Faiz Efendi and His al-Kalimāt al-uṣūliyya
نظرية استعدادات الماهية عند ابن عربي وعلاقتها بنفي الجبر عن العباد / Theory of Quiddity Preparedness by Ibn al-‘Arabī and its Relation to the Negation of Determinism of Servants
Türkiye’de Üniversite ve Yüksek Öğretime Dair Telif Eserler (1980’den Günümüze) / A Review of the Literature on the University and Higher Education in Turkey (from 1980 to present)